We are thrilled to launch the new Political Economy Futures Forum (PEFF)—a new College of Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Research Theme that will serve as a University-wide platform for advancing research in political economy.

We host the weekly PEFF Research Seminar, where colleagues present their work-in-progress and obtain valuable feedback from an interdisciplinary community. The seminar takes place each Wednesday at 3pm during the semester. The seminar host alternates across our four clusters: Global Political Economy (Bernhard Reinsberg), Corporate Accountability (Maha Rafi Atal), Public and Collective Ownership (Franziska Paul), and Law and Political Economy (Antonio Marzal).

Do you have a paper that needs feedback? Do you have a grant proposal you want to discuss? Do you have a project idea and are looking for collaborators? Do propose it here until 15 August: https://forms.office.com/e/TwC9qtMseq

We are eager to build a dynamic, interdisciplinary community committed to addressing big, enduring questions about the relationship between the economy and society. We would love to include you in this work, and hope you’ll join our mailing list to receive information about our seminars and other programming.

First published: 8 August 2024