A workshop to bring together members of the UofG community working on Cyber Security and Defense Research.

The College of Science and Engineering (CoSE) are pleased to announce a workshop focusing on Cyber Security and Defense on September 21st between 1000-1500 in the Creativity Suite, James Watt South Building. This is open to all academic colleagues with an interest in these themes whatever their research expertise and background, with an aim to create the foundation for future collaborative funding submissions. Prof Ana Basiri will lead the workshop and introduce the recently announced DSO Labs Singapore Collaboration funding call from The Alan Turing Institute.

Each attendee will be given a short time (5 mins) to present their work or an area that they wish to further explore, followed by a Q&A and general discussion.

Tea and coffee will be available from 10:00 and lunch will be provided from 12:00.

Please register to secure a space and more details will be provided nearer the time. If you have any questions then please contact Neil Findlay (neil.findlay@glasgow.ac.uk).

Please register for this event here.

First published: 1 September 2022