Brought to you by Challenges in Changing Cities IRT, in collaboration with ArtsLab

Date: Thursday 1 February
Time: 1-3PM
Location: ARC Studio 2

Register for event here

Challenges in Changing Cities (a College of Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Research Theme) invites you to join the first of two interdisciplinary ideation workshops this semester. We are bringing together researchers in Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities, and Science & Engineering, to think about Cities and Change and how to identify new areas of work and challenge.

  • What are the main challenges or changes relating to cities and urban areas that you are interested in?
  • What are the big questions in your field?
  • Is there an area of research that is being overlooked?
  • What distinctive contribution could the University of Glasgow make in this area?

First published: 4 January 2024