Fri, 18 June 2021 - 13:00 – 14:30

Registration is now closed

About this event

As part of its Transforming Working Lives (TWL) priority, ESRC is looking to fund a programme series of innovative and novel research projects across two overarching themes:

  • managing working transitions
  • power and voice in a changing world of work

Proposals should seek to make a significant scientific contribution with a view to addressing key policy and practice challenges. Findings should help to build the evidence base for effective future interventions in the areas under study. In particular, ESRC would like projects to:

  • understand the empirical realities of contemporary transformations in work and working lives, the causal factors involved and the implications for individuals, businesses, practitioners and policymakers
  • engender relevant, meaningful, and accessible change in policy and business practices to transform our working lives for the better

Click here for details of the funding call >

First published: 23 February 2022