A Sustainable Net Zero Future

Across the College of Science and Engineering, researchers, as part of the University’s Centre for Sustainable Solutions, are undertaking work that addresses the challenges of net zero, climate change and sustainability.

We investigate the history, causes and effects of environmental degradation, discover practical solutions for sustainability, and work with the University to apply solutions across our campus and beyond.

Find out more about our research - and how you can get involved in the community - below.

A Sustainable Net Zero Future

Find out about the wide range of research being undertaken in the College of Science and Engineering and the Glasgow Centre for Sustainable Energy to deliver a sustainable net zero future.

Net Zero Future: Water

Prof. Bill Sloan and Prof. Zhibin Yu explain the research taking place in the James Watt School of Engineering looking at bringing the water industry into the 21st Century.

Net Zero Future: Energy Conversion

The School of Chemistry are looking at low-carbon solutions to energy generation and storage.

Net Zero Future: Data

Our data scientists in the School of Mathematics & Statistics are providing big data solution through environmental modelling.

Net Zero Future: Energy

Our researchers in the Energy section in the James Watt School of Engineering work on innovative solutions to meet energy demands whilst working towards net zero.

Net Zero Future: GALLANT

The University, in partnership with Glasgow City Council, is working on a £10.2m UKRI funded project to move towards climate resilience whilst tackling health, social and economic inequalities. Find out more

Net Zero Future: SOLSPACE

Supported by an ERC Advanced Grant, researchers in the James Watt School of Engineering are investigating the use of ultra-lightweight orbiting reflectors to enhance the output of future terrestrial solar power farms.

Research Zoomposia

From low-carbon computing to sustainable construction, our staff are engaged in world-changing research dedicated to combating the climate crisis. Find out more about their work in these short presentations.

Time to go on a digital diet

Professor Ana Basiri asks: how clean is our digital diet? Can we really limit emissions by sending just one fewer 'thank you' email?

Sustainable construction products

Dr Cise Unluer's research aims to contribute to a sustainable built environment through the development of innovative and functional construction products with high performance and durability.

Towards Zero-Carbon Computing

Professor Wim Vanderbauwhede explains low carbon and sustainable computing, and addresses the need for frugal computing: achieving the same results for less energy.
