Funded through the EPSRC Manufacturing the Future challenge theme, the Network Plus: Industrial Systems in the Digital Age is bringing together core colleagues from the Manufacturing, Digital Economy, ICT, Design, Human Factors and Business communities to build new collaborations between leading academics and industry partners.  The aim of its first annual conference is to address the fundamental science challenges to support Industrial Systems in the Digital Age.

Call for Abstracts

We invite submission of abstracts for both oral and poster presentations. All abstracts must be submitted through All abstracts must be submitted through Easy Chair via the following link: Only one oral and/or one poster abstract may be submitted from an individual participant.. Only one oral and/or one poster abstract may be submitted from an individual participant.

The Network Plus is currently developing a set of thematic areas and at its recent launch event, the following initial suggestions were identified and are being used as the themes of this conference:

  • Industrial Internet of Things
  • People and automation
  • Cyber / physical systems
  • Data analytics and decision making
  • Skills and jobs
  • Service design and customisation
  • Sustainability
  • Cybersecurity
  • Design for future manufacturing

Whilst these can be used as a guide, this is not an exclusive list and interesting contributions from other areas are also be welcomed.

Key dates



Closing date for abstracts

28 April 2017

Closing date for registration

02 June 2017

Deadline for receipt of talks and posters

16 June 2017


EPSRC ISDA 2017 Flyer

First published: 16 December 2016