Former postgraduate student Dr Stephen O’Malley, who graduated in 2011,  has been awarded the prestigious 2014 Lee Segel Prize for Best Student Paper by the Society for Mathematical Biology for his publication on the fluid dynamics of swimming micro-organisms:

Stephen O’Malley & Martin A. Bees, ‘The orientation of swimming bi-flagellates in shear flows’, Bull Math Biol (2012) 74:232–255.

The citation for the paper reads:

"This beautifully written paper investigates swimming patterns associated with different flagellar beating structures in algae.  The careful and systematic piece of work involves the numerical solution of equations of motion for flagellae and shows how the flagellar motions give rise to different types of movement behaviours for individual algal cells."

Details of the prize, which will be awarded at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the SMB in Osaka, Japan, can be found on the website for the Society for Mathematical Biology.

Many congratulations to Stephen for this outstanding achievement!

First published: 5 December 2013