Industry and Business Engagement

Driving Innovation Together

Access our expertise, advanced resources, and dedicated support to propel your business forward.

Contact the College of Science and Engineering's Industry Engagement team and take your first step towards accessing pioneering research and innovation. We partner with businesses to create impactful solutions, advance technology, and drive economic growth.

  • Research Partnerships
    Join forces with our leading researchers to address your business challenges. We have a strong track record of collaborating with industry and other research institutions. From short consultancy to long-term collaborative projects, by collaborating with us your company can benefit from our extensive and ongoing input to the research process at all stages, and the University's world-class research expertise and facilities. Jointly we can seek external research funding from organisations such as Innovate UK, European Commission, Ministry of Defence and Research Councils.
  • Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs)
    Our KTPs are three-way partnerships between your business, the University of Glasgow and a research graduate who works within your organisation to ensure that the project is delivered. Through a KTP, you can embed expertise, generate new knowledge, expand capability and foster a culture of innovation within your organisation. Innovate UK provide between 50% and 75% of the eligible costs for each KTP.
  • Additional Services
    Our team also connects you with access to research expert consultancy services, bespoke contract research services, cutting-edge ressearch facilities and collaborative workspaces — offering you a solution that will specifically meet your needs and benefit your business.

Let's Connect

Partner with the University of Glasgow and transform your ideas into reality. Contact our Industry Engagement team today to explore how we can work together.

KTP Smart Energy — creating an evidence-based route to NetZero and beyond

The Crichton Trust has been hosting a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with the University of Glasgow since 2022 examining how we use energy and building an evidence-based route map to NetZero and beyond. In this film, Dr Sonam Norbu The Crichton's KTP Associate and Prof David Flynn of the University of Glasgow join Gwilym and Jennifer from The Crichton Trust to talk about the project and its impact.