Research Integrity

Information on Research Integrity can be found at the following links: 

PGR Student Representatives

SRC Student PG Research Convenor Imene Zhoulikha Kassous

School Abrv Convenor  Student Representative 
School of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing  SoMDN          Dr Tomoko Iwata (PGC)
Dr Andrea Sherriff (dep) 
Dr Greg Kotronoulas (dep) 
Dr Emilie Combet (dep) 
Dr Katrina Knight (dep) 

Chattarin Pumtako (  Medicine
Frances Warner ( Dentistry
Kyle Cousins ( Dentistry
Lin Cheng ( Nursing

School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine  


Prof Kathryn Elmer (PGC)
Dr Paul Johnson (Deputy)

Dr Collette Britton
Dr Michelle Bellingham (Deputy)

Mar Yerli Pineda, Nicholas Strowbridge, Rhiannon Heslop:

Jaka Hodnick (SBOVHM - MVM Rep)

School of Cancer Sciences  SCS

Dr Heather Jorgensen (PGC)
Dr Jean Quinn (Deputy)

Beatson Institute for Cancer Research (BICR)
Teena Thakur (
Laura Millet (
Federico Lupo (
Britt van Abeelen (

WWCRC (Wolfson Wohl)

David Meltzer (     

Jamie Lees (

School of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Health   SCMH

Dr Delyth Graham (PGC)
Dr Paul Welsh (Deputy)

Caitlin Cosgrove
Sol Olivera (
Eleanor Dickson-Murray 
Muhua Huang (
Shivasankar Sukumar (Clinical Rep (

School of Health and Wellbeing   SHW

Dr Barbara Nicholl (Co-PGC)
Dr Maria Truesdale (Co-PGC)

Ike Dhiah Rochmawati (
Erik Igelstrom (
Nova Smalley (PGR) (
Jennifer Littlejohn (PGR) (
School of Infection & Immunity   Sii

Dr Richard Burchmore (PGC)
Dr Ed Hutchinson (dep) 
Dr Gill Douce (dep)

Stephen Devlin (
Eilidh Rivers (
Hager Sasvari (

Zuzanna Pocalun (

Carla Johnson (

School of Molecular Biosciences   SMB Dr Ruairidh Carmody (co-PGC)
Dr Ian Salt (co-PGC)
Fara van der Schans (
Katherine Gibson (
Dominic Crossley (
School of Psychology & Neuroscience   SPN

Dr Dave Hughes(co-PGC) 
Dr Martin Lages (co-PGC) 

Paschalina Chrysostomidou
Tammy-Ann Husselman

Disability Champions and Co-ordinators

The College Disability Champions for PGR students are the PG Convenors. More information on the College Disability Co-ordinators can be found here.