Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The purpose of the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (MVLS) is to transform lives by addressing the major life science, biomedical, population and environmental health challenges of our times through delivery of world class research, innovation and education. Equality, diversity and inclusion challenges are addressed by embedding equality, diversity and inclusion into core College business. 

These pages share the ongoing work and initiatives from our colleagues and students that help make our College a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive space.

There are a number of ways you can become involved in our efforts, click the link below for more information.

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Our College EDI Leads discuss the importance of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (MVLS).

Watch the video

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Get involved

There are a number of ways you can contribute to our efforts to help make our College a more diverse and inclusive environment. 

Find out how to get involved