On 9th and 10th May 2024 the G U Gamma Club celebrated its 55 years since graduating by returning to Glasgow.

The main event was a dinner held in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons St Vincent St Glasgow on the Friday evening. It was attended by 68 people (44 members). However following results of a questionnaire we sent previously, we ended up with a pick and mix 2 day event.

The Thursday started off with a return to the Shish Mahal for an Indian Buffet Banquet. On Friday morning we were entertained and intellectually challenged by Dr Ashley Lyons Quantum Physicist and his staff in the new Mazumdar Shaw Advanced Research Centre on the site of the old Western Infirmary.

The logistics of shuttling people to and from the various venues from the Dakota Hotel was facilitated by a fleet of taxis from Glasgow Taxis, which inadvertently allowed lots of sound bites of conversations and visits to old haunts.

Judging by the responses we have received folks are keen to meet up again possibly in 2 years time.

First published: 20 May 2024